Priest Directory
Alphabetical by Last Name
Rev. Patrick Baraza
Pastor - St. Ann, Spokane
2120 E. 1st Ave. Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 535-3031
Very Rev. Daniel Barnett
Rector - Bishop White Seminary
429 E Sharp Ave. Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 313-7100
Rev. Pedro Bautista-Peraza
Pastor - Sacred Heart, Brewster | St. Genevieve, Twisp
PO Box 548, Brewster, WA 98812
(509) 689-2931
Rev. Joseph Bell
Senior Priest
Rev. Victor Blazovich
Vicar for Finance
Pastor - Sacred Heart, Spokane
219 E Rockwood Blvd. Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 747-5810
Rev. Thomas Caswell
Senior Priest
Rev. Tim Clancy, SJ
Pastor - Our Lady of the Lake, Suncrest
PO Box 447 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026
(509) 313- 4242
Rev. Msgr. Kevin Codd
Senior Priest
Very Rev. Darrin Connall
Vicar General
Rector - Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes
1115 W Riverside Ave. Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 358-4290
Rev. Thomas K. Connolly
Pastor - St. Mary Presentation Parish, Deer Park | St. Joseph, Colbert
P.O. Box 749 Deer Park, WA 99006
(509) 276-2948
Rev. Jeffrey Core
Pastor - Holy Family, Clarkston
917 Chestnut St. Clarkston, WA 99403
(509) 758-6102
Most Rev. Thomas A. Daly
Bishop of Spokane
PO Box 1453 Spokane, WA 99210
(509) 358-7305
Rev. Steven Dublinski
Pastor - Sacred Heart, Pullman
440 N.E. Ash St. Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 332-5312
Rev. Rex Familar
Chaplain - Sacred Heart Hospital
1115 W Riverside Ave. Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 358-4290
Rev. Wm. Roy Floch
Senior Priest
Rev. Joseph Fortier, SJ
Associate Pastor - St. Michael, Inchelium | St. Rose of Lima, Keller | St. Joseph, Omak | Sacred Heart, Nespelem
323 Edmonds Omak, WA 98841
(509) 826-6401
Rev. David B. Gaines
Parochial Vicar - Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes
1115 W Riverside Ave. Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 358-4290
Rev. Vincent Gilmore
Pastor - St. Mary of the Rosary, Chewelah | Holy Ghost, Valley | St. Joseph, Jump-Off Joe | Sacred Heart, Springdale
PO Box 26 Chewelah, WA 99109
(509) 935-8028
Rev. Al Grasher
Senior Priest
Rev. Patrick Hartin
Senior Priest
Rev. Tim Hays
Pastor - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Spokane
3624 W Indian Trail Rd. Spokane, WA 99208
(509) 326-0144
Rev. Paul Heric
Pastor - WSU St. Thomas More Student Center, Pullman
820 NE ‘B’ St. Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 332-6311
Rev. Joachim Hien
Senior Priest
Very Rev. Theophilus "Theo" Hwande, VC
Pastor - St. Catherine of Alexandria, Oakesdale | St. Joseph, Rockford | Sacred Heart, Tekoa
Ministerial Support - St. Patrick, Pasco
1320 W. Henry St. Pasco, WA 99301
Rev. Michael Ishida
Pastor - St. Anne, Medical Lake | Mary Queen of Heaven, Sprague
PO Box 125 Medical Lake, WA 99022
Rev. Jesuraj Jeyalaban, HGN
Pastor - St. Patrick, Colfax | St. Joseph, La Crosse | Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. John
1018 S Main St. Colfax, WA 99111
(509) 397-3921
Rev. Raymond Kalema
Pastor - St. John Vianney Parish, Spokane Valley | St. Paschal Parish, Spokane Valley
503 N. Walnut Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99206
(509) 926-5428
Rev. Patrick Kerst
Vicar for Priests
Pastor - St. Thomas More, Spokane
505 W St. Thomas More Way Spokane, WA 99208
(509) 466-0220
Rev. John Fidelis Kibombo
Parish Administrator - Our Lady of the Valley, Okanogan | Immaculate Conception, Oroville | Holy Rosary, Tonasket
2511 N. Elmway Okanogan, WA 98840
(509) 422-5049
Rev. David Kruse
Priest in Residence - St. Thomas More, Spokane
505 W St. Thomas More Way Spokane, WA 99208
(509) 466-0220
Rev. James Kuhns
Senior Priest
Rev. Arockiaraj "Raj" Kunipaku-Selvaraj, HGN
Pastor - St. Francis of Assisi, Spokane
1104 W. Heroy Ave. Spokane, WA 99205
(509) 325-1321
Rev. David Kuttner
Pastor - St. Rose of Lima, Cheney | EWU St. John Paul II Newman Center, Cheney
460 N 5th St. Cheney, WA 99004
(509) 235-6229
Rev. Michael Kwiatkowski
Senior Priest - St. Mary, Spokane Valley
Rev. Tom Lamanna, SJ
Pastor - St. Aloysius, Spokane
330 E Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 313-5896
Rev. Maria Lazar, HGN
Pastor - St. Boniface, Uniontown | St. Gall, Colton
PO BOX 108, Colton, WA, 99113
(509) 229-3548
Rev. Jeffrey Lewis
Pastor - St. Mary, Spokane Valley
304 S Adams Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99216
(509) 928-3210
Rev. Edward Marier
Chaplain - Holy Family Hospital, Spokane
1503 W Dean Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 328-4841
Rev. Jose Jaime Maldonado
Parochial Vicar - St. Patrick, Pasco
1320 W. Henry St. Pasco WA 99301
(509) 547-8841
Rev. Stan Malnar, MD
Senior Priest
Rev. Robert McNeese
Senior Priest
Rev. Msgr. Brian Mee
Senior Priest
Rev. Miguel Mejia
Pastor - Our Lady of Fatima, Spokane
1517 E 33rd Ave. Spokane, WA 99203
(509) 747-7213
Rev. José Millan
Pastor - St. Joseph, Otis Orchards
4521 N. Arden Rd. Otis Orchards, WA 99027
(509) 926-7133
Rev. Jake Morton, SJ
Pastor - St. Michael, Inchelium | St. Rose of Lima, Keller | St. Joseph, Omak | Sacred Heart, Nespelem
323 Edmonds Omak, WA 98841
(509) 826-6401
Rev. Lourdu Mummadi, SJ
Parochial Vicar - St. Patrick, Pasco
1320 W. Henry St. Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 547-8841
Rev. John Murphy, SJ
Director of Spiritual Formation - Bishop White Seminary
429 E Sharp Ave. Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 313-7100
Rev. Daniel Nevares, SJ
Associate Pastor - St. Aloysius, Spokane
330 E Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 313-5896
Rev. Vincent Van Dao Nguyen
Chaplain - Vietnamese Community
2227 N. Cedar St. Spokane, WA 99205
(509) 327-1162
Rev. Matthew Nicks
Pastor - St. Augustine, Spokane
428 W 19th Ave. Spokane, WA 99203
(509) 747-4421
Rev. Lutakome "Luta" Nsubuga
Pastor - St. Paul the Apostle, Eltopia | St. Vincent, Connell | San Juan Diego, Basin City
PO Box 1030 Connell, WA 99326
(509) 234-2262
Rev. William O'Brien
Pastor - Sts. Cyril & Methodius (Byzantine Rite)
4315 N Evergreen Rd. Spokane Valley, WA 99216
(509) 922-4527
Rev. Uche Obisike
Continuing Education
525 E. Mission Ave. Spokane WA 99202.
Rev. Andrew O'Leary
Parochial Vicar - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Walla Walla
415 W Alder St. Walla Walla, WA, 99362
(509) 723-1459
Rev. Kevin Oiland
Pastor - St. Patrick, Walla Walla
415 W Alder St. Walla Walla, Wa 99362
(509) 525-3310
Rev. Msgr. Mark Pautler
Judicial Vicar & Chancellor
P.O. Box 1453 Spokane, WA 99210
(509) 358-7339
Rev. James Peak
Pastor - St. Bernard, Ione | Our Lady of Sorrows, Kalispel Res. | St. Joseph, Metaline Falls | St. Anthony, Newport | St. Jude, Usk
P.O. Box C, Newport, WA 99156
(509) 447-4231
Rev. Msgr. Robert Pearson
Senior Priest - Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes
Rev. Rory Pitstick
Professor & Formation Advisor - Pontifical College Josephinum
7625 N High Street Columbus, OH 43235
Rev. Richard Poole
US Military Chaplain
6001 Hazelnut Dr. Dover, DE 19901
(509) 688-5604
Rev. Jayavel Prasath, HGN
Pastor - St. Joseph, Odessa | St. Agnes, Ritzville | Sacred Hear, Wilbur
PO Box 106, Wilbur, WA 99185
Rev. Kyle Ratuiste
Director for Vocations
Vice-Rector - Bishop White Seminary
29 E Sharp Ave. Spokane, WA 99202
(509) 313-7100
Rev. Msgr. Pedro Ramirez-Alejos
Senior Priest - St. Patrick, Pasco
Rev. Gustavo "Gus" Ruiz-Juarez
Pastor - St. Patrick, Pasco
1320 W. Henry St. Pasco WA 99301
(509) 547-8841
Rev. Brian Sattler
Pastor - St. Anthony, Spokane | St. Joseph, Spokane
2320 N. Cedar Spokane, WA. 99205
(509) 327-1162
Rev. Michael Savelesky
Diocesan Archivist
Pastor - Holy Rosary, Rosalia
5103 N. Stevens Spokane, WA 99205
(509) 998-0209
Rev. Tyrone Schaff
Senior Priest
Diocesan Review Board Member
Rev. Curtis Seidel
Pastor - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Walla Walla | St. Francis of Assisi, Walla Walla
President - Walla Walla Catholic Schools
408 W. Poplar St. Walla Walla 99362
(509) 525-1602
Rev. Richard Semple
Pastor - St. Francis Xavier, Spokane | St. Patrick, Spokane
P.O. Box 7179 Spokane, WA 99207
(509) 487-6363
Most Rev. William Skylstad
Bishop Emeritus
Rev. Esteban Soler
Pastor - St. Charles Borromeo
4515 N. Alberta Spokane, WA 99205
(509) 327-9573
Rev. Kenneth "Kenny" St. Hilaire
Pastor - Immaculate Conception, Colville | St. Patrick, Curlew | Sacred Heart, Kettle Falls | Pure Heart of Mary, Northport | Immaculate Conception, Republic
320 N Maple St. Colville, WA 99114
(509) 684-6223
Rev. Msgr. John Steiner
Senior Priest
Defender of the Bond
Rev. Sean Thomson
Pastor - Immaculate Conception, Davenport | St. Kateri, Ford | St. Michael, Reardan | Sacred Heart, Wellpinit | St. Francis of Assisi, Harrington
1310 Adams Rd., Davenport, WA 99122
(509) 725-1761
Rev. Lucas Tomson
Pastor - St. Peter, Spokane
3520 E 18th Ave. Spokane, WA 99223
(509) 534-2227
Rev. Eugene Tracy
Senior Priest - Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes, Spokane
Rev. Dale Tuckerman
Health Leave
Rev. Robert Turner
Senior Priest
Rev. Michael Venneri
Senior Priest - St. Peter, Spokane
Rev. Paul Vevik
Pastor - Mary Queen, Spokane
3423 E. Carlisle Spokane WA 99217
(509) 483-4384
Rev. Joseph Weitensteiner
Senior Priest
Rev. Steven Werner
Pastor - St. Joseph, Dayton | Holy Rosary, Pomeroy | St. Mark, Waitsburg
634 High St. Pomeroy, WA 99347
(509) 843-3801
Rev. Alejandro "Alex" Zepeda-Labastida
Pastor - Sacred Heart, Othello
616 E. Juniper Othello, WA 99344
(509) 488-5653