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Wholehearted Women’s Day of Prayer

  • Immaculate Heart Retreat Center 6910 South Ben Burr Road Spokane, WA, 99223 United States (map)

A Wholehearted Women’s Day of Prayer “Refreshing the Oil in Our Lamps”

Sr. Mary Eucharista, SMMC and Alisa Kostecka May 10, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (8:30 am check-in) Please register in advance: (509) 448-1224 or visit $46 per person or ($56 with room). Lunch included.

We know what it feels like to be low on fuel in our emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical lives. The smooth functioning of each of these dynamics is necessary for the balance to live a virtuous life. Come be refreshed with the “oil of gladness” (PS 45:7) on all of these levels in a day set aside just for women before Mother’s Day. Included will be Holy Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, two conferences, lunch, the recitation of the Rosary and Adoration before the exposed Blessed Sacrament.

Alisa (Hinman) Kostecka, the Director of Wholehearted Women’s Conference, has worked as a secondary teacher, DRE, youth minister with catechetics, and Forming Intentional Disciples. She has led women’s Bible studies and retreats for over 20 years out of love for the Lord Jesus. 

Sr. Mary Eucharista, SMMC, is the Spritual Life and Program Administrator  at Immaculate Heart Retreat Center since 2008.  She also gives spiritual direction, retreats, Eucharistic Congress keynotes, Missions, Days of Prayer and talks at the center and around the U.S. Sister has a BA in English/Literature and Education from Whitworth University, MA in Philosophy from Gonzaga University, and spiritual direction certification from St. Vincent’s Seminary College. She is vocations director and a consultor in the SMMC.

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