The Guatemala Commission will hold its Tenth Annual Guatemala Mission Celebration on Monday, May 19th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Barrister Winery in Spokane. All are welcome and admission is free. The program will include guest speaker Julianne Connell Sachs, Director of Family to Family (FTF), who will share updated and vital information about FTF, a nonprofit economic development program through which U.S. sponsors support indigenous Mayan families in their efforts to sustainably shift out of poverty in Guatemala. FTF was created by a Spokane couple and is celebrating its fortieth year. The evening includes a mini silent and live auction, the sale of weavings, purses, etc. made by participants in the FTF program, and a drawing for a handmade quilt. Appetizers, coffee, and water will be available at no charge and wine will be available for purchase.
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